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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Upcoming "Mystery" Trip

It's no secret, I like to travel. I'll pretty much go anywhere. To me, the planning is almost as much fun as the trip itself. I know we just got back from a cruise in November, but I'm not going to wait until next year for another trip. Paying for another one though can be a problem.

I bid in auctions on the internet and win gift cards. Most of the time I do pretty well. I counted up my hotel gift cards and my gas gift cards and got an idea. We could take a nice trip, paid mostly through gift cards (thank God that Laurel, the petsitter, doesn't mind being paid in gift cards either).

Where to go? Well, someplace we could drive to and someplace we would both enjoy. I had it! Where? I'm not telling!

Really. I'm not telling. Marcia doesn't know yet and we leave next Friday. She won't know until we are well on our way or when we get there. For all of our trips she has always said that all she does is pack anyway; I take care of the rest. So this time I did. Everything is planned; reservations are made; a whole notebook is made out. Eighteen days of vacation and she has no idea where we are going. I have dropped hints about what we will be doing: there is a winery, a cave, putt putt, and we will stay with our friends in North Carolina on the first and last nights of the trip. That's all she knows.

When we tell people this, their first reaction is: How will she know what to pack? I find this kind of funny. She will pack what she always packs. I told her how many days there are between laundry stops, so she knows how much underwear to take. She'll take pants, tshirts, polos and pajamas. What else do you people take on vacation? I guess I'll tell her she can leave the ball gowns and tiaras at home! LOL RIGHT....

Anyway, I plan on taking the laptop and updating the blog as we go, so follow us on the journey as Marcia finds out her destination. It's someplace I've always wanted to go and is near the top of my bucket list, but I've planned things for both going and coming to the major destination.

We leave Friday, June 8th. Probably no updates until Sunday the 11th at the earliest, but they will be coming. See who can guess. Those two or three that actually know, no fair telling everyone else!

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