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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 5--A Rainy Day in Hershey, PA

It was raining when we got up this morning and it is still raining right now. Marcia cracks me up---she sold our Gettysburg CD for the auto tour this morning at breakfast to a couple that was heading that way. We packed up the truck and headed about an hour up the road to Hershey. Our first stop was Chocolate World.

You take a free ride through a show that shows what the factory does (you can't tour the factory anymore). Here is a picture of the happy cows of Hershey, just for Elaine:

Of course you come out in the gift shop, more chocolate than you could ever want:

This is only one small corner of the store.

We then did the 3-D show, which was kind of hokey, but fun.

Leaving Chocolate World, we headed to the Hershey Museum, where we learned a lot more about Milton Hershey, his life, his town and his legacy. It was an interesting place. I had to take the required picture of the chocolate kiss street lights, this one located right in front of the museum.

We decided that the rain and Marcia's achy joints meant that we would bypass the antique auto museum and head toward Lancaster and get to our hotel. Marcia was impressed when we checked in and I paid for 9 nights ($1200) from a stack of gift cards. All hotels this trip are paid by gift cards. Up to our room for a nap. Marcia's naps are short, mine are a couple of hours. After dinner and unloading the truck we moved into the hotel for the next 9 days.


  1. I guess since the factory is closed Hershey
    no long smells like chocolate.
    I am enjoying your blog, its armchair travel at its best!!
    Stay safe

  2. The factory is still open in Hershey, you just can't tour it. It really didn't smell like chocolate because it was pouring rain. Marcia tried---she rolled down the window as soon as we hit the city limits! You can get plenty of chocolate smells in the gift shop area, though we did really good and didn't eat any except for 2 little sample packs.
