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Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 8---Bird in Hand

Strange name for a little town, but this is where we spent the day. We first went to the indoor Farmer's Market. Most of the stuff there is permanent (set of kind of like an indoor store with different vendors). Managed to spend plenty of money. We then headed to the Bird in Hand Bake Shop, which is apparently where all the tourist buses drop people off. It's a little way out of town, a nice little drive.

I'm going to tell on Marcia here---she ate an ENTIRE strawberry rhubarb pie (WITH ice cream) all by herself!!!! She will claim that it was only a small one, but she did eat it all. Right before lunch. I guess you might as well eat dessert first. She thoroughly enjoyed every bite and amused the ladies that were sitting out on the porch where she was eating. We played with the chickens and goats for a bit and then headed to lunch.

We stopped at the Plain and Fancy Restaurant and skipping the $20 all you can eat buffet just ordered from the menu. Marcia did have the chicken corn soup and I had the Amish chicken pot pie, which looked and tasted just like chicken and dumplings. Right next door they had a multimedia theater that played a movie about a young man having to make a choice about being baptized and continuing the Amish lifestyle or leaving it behind.

Then we headed to the Amish Farm. This is set up where you take a tour of the house while the guide explains a little bit about Amish life to you. These are the pics from inside the house.

After the tour of the house, we were free to explore the grounds and headed to the barn. There was the cutest little bull calf there, not quite 3 weeks old. We were all making a fuss over him when the keeper came with his bucket bottle. Too cute to watch him eat.

We also loved on some horses and Marcia made friends with Mr. Ed, who liked to have his neck scratched.

There were also chickens, pigs, sheep, goats and rabbits. The grounds also held examples of different kinds of buggies and a one room schoolhouse.

That made for a pretty full day for us and we headed back to the hotel where I had computer problems most of the rest of the afternoon into the evening. The traffic here has picked up considerably for the weekend and we saw tour buses all over this afternoon. I would imagine that it will be crowded in Amish Country tomorrow.

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