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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 6--A Lazy Day in Lancaster

Marcia was up early this morning, but I slept in. Today was our "day off" from major activity. The main thing on the agenda was doing laundry. We found the laundrymat and did the laundry and had lunch. It was just a little after 1pm and we decided to visit Wheatland, which was James Buchanan's home (our 15th president). We were the only two on our tour and had a very nice older gentleman as our guide. Marcia didn't go upstairs to the bedrooms, but I did. It was a nice house, not super fancy or elegant, but nice.

We have a couple of hours for a break. We'll head out to see a baseball game this evening. The Lancaster Barnstormers are playing at home tonight and we will be there. Tomorrow, we will hit Amish country.

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