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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 1--to North Carolina

It was pouring when we got up this morning so I was glad that the truck was mostly loaded. We were off at 7am and stopped in Lake City for breakfast. Getting out of the truck, I noticed that my sunglasses were not in their normal spot, so a trip to WalMart was next on the agenda. It took a while to find the right ones, but they had them and we were on the way. We had rain until Valdosta.

If you drive in Georgia, be careful. On our drive through the state we saw about three dozen cops with people pulled over. We skirted Atlanta, but the traffic was still awful. We made it to Beth and Sandi's in North Carolina about 5pm. Beth was out of town, but Sandi was most hospitable. After a lovely dinner at a local restaurant we all crashed in front of the tv with cats all over us. Sounds just like home.

Today was a long day, so we headed to bed by 830pm. It was still light out, but we didn't really care.

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