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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Want to Join Us on a Trip to Hawaii?

Everybody knows that I love to travel and will go just about anywhere if I can afford to make the trip. I'll write about my upcoming trip to Egypt soon, but I want to tell you about another trip we are planning.

Several years ago Marcia and I sat down and wrote out separate "Bucket Lists" and then compared notes. About 75% of the ideas were comparable, a few were our own unique ones (hence the reason I'm going to Egypt with Elaine and not Marcia). We ranked them and I went about making plans to get as many done as quickly as possible. You get to a certain age and you start to realize that you won't always be able to go back to someplace you have already visited, so you might as well do as much as you can when you are visiting someplace new.

One of the things on the list was Hawaii. That might seem a little surprising since neither of us are beach type people, but there were things we wanted to see there and we both love to cruise. An idea began to form...

Our favorite cruise line is Holland America. We've been on three cruises with them in the past and have always had a wonderful time. They have a 14 day roundtrip cruise to Hawaii that leaves out of San Diego. We were going to take this trip in February of 2011, but Social Security wanted some money back so we postponed it.

Our new date is Oct 22, 2011. This link takes you to the specifics of the cruise. It is currently $1799 per person for an obstructed view room (on the upper promenade behind the lifeboats) with a tax of $84.19 per person. That is not a bad deal for a 14 day cruise. It is 5 days to get there, 4 days in Hawaii, and 5 days to get back. We happen to like the lazy sea days so this is perfect for us. We will also be going to San Diego on the Monday or Tuesday before the Saturday departure so we have a few days to explore the area as neither of us have ever been to San Diego before.

I like to research and plan, but I'm not a travel agent. If anyone wants to join us on this trip, let me know. We picked open dining and have an idea of what shore excursions we want to do. Marcia would enjoy the company--I think she is worried that I would have her all to myself for fourteen days :) The more the merrier on a cruise---everyone can do what they want and meet for meals or drinks and compare notes. We hope you can join us!!!

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