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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Monster in the Bedroom

There is a monster in our bedroom. At least that is what Buttons thinks. She likes to snuggle up on my head/shoulder area and it drives me nuts. Now she won't come near me, or at least any closer than my lap.

The reason is my new CPAP machine. I did a sleep study a couple of weeks ago. I had complained to my doctor that I always feel tired even though I get enough sleep. My thyroid is fine and so is everything else, so time for the sleep study. I did a split study, which means that if I managed to hit certain criteria for sleep apnea by the end of my first sleep cycle they would wake me up and put me on the machine to see how I would do. I hit the markers and at 2am they woke me up for the mask and I was told the next morning that I did much better with it on.

I haven't seen the sleep doctor yet but I got my machine on Friday afternoon. It takes up a lot of space on the nightstand and makes kind of a white noise that doesn't bother Marcia too much. Then the mask goes on. I feel kind of like an astronaut or pilot wearing it as it goes over my nose and has all of these straps and things on it, then the long hose.

Buttons can't decide if it is a monster that is going to eat my face off (kind of like in "Aliens") or if I'm really okay under all of that. As soon as I take it off she is all lovey-dovey and comes for pets and love. I'm told she will get used to it and then I will have to deal with the mask AND the cat. Great. Wait until winter when three other cats join us on the bed...


  1. Just wait until the machine stops working because it's clogged with cat hair! LOL

  2. Uh oh. They never told me that was a possibility. I do have an extra filter to wash out and change ever so often. She is starting to get used to it, but you can tell she is confused about what it is.
