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Friday, September 3, 2010


We follow the Gator Women's Vollyeball and Basketball teams and attend as many games as we are able to get to. Went to one tonight and it was the first home game of the season. The team looked good and won pretty easily in front of a nice-sized crowd.

I want to know who designs volleyball uniforms. Could those shorts be any shorter and tighter? Now I am not against seeing athletic girls with long legs wearing shorts like that, but I think it sends a rather sexist message to people. I'm sure they could play just as well with slightly longer and looser shorts.

Also, I wonder about the names people give their kids. Do they even think about the fact that the name they give their little bundle of joy will follow that kid his or her whole life? One of UF's players (who had a very good night tonight) is named TANGERINE. Arrrggghhh!!! It sounds weird whenever the announcer says her name after a play. Feel sorry for the kid. One of my favorite names (?) belonged to a girl who came to the Florida Bookstore Vol 2 to get her books for Santa Fe every semester. Her name? CANDY APPLE. No, I am not kidding. Glad my parents had some sense.

1 comment:

  1. Having worked freshman pre-registration for 3 summers as an undergraduate, some days we had some really good "laughs" about some of the names. And this was BEFORE the current era of "free flowing whatever you happen to utter during labor" naming conventions. Candy Apple made me think of Larry Lemon. Wonder if he ever graduated?
