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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Date Night

Many moons ago we bowled in a bowling league on Sunday nights. When the league fell apart we started having Sunday date nights. We can be pretty much homebodies, so Sunday date nights have turned into Sunday movie, pizza and margarita nights.

It goes like this: at 6 pm I call the folks for our weekly chat. Marcia either goes and picks up the pizza or I put one in the oven. When the phone call is over the blender comes out and the frozen margaritas get made. I tell Marcia that the margaritas are the reason she married me and she doesn't totally deny it :) Then we watch a movie. We usually alternate who gets to pick. We now have Netflix (getting up to date with technology again) so have watched some new movies the past few weeks: "It's Complicated", "Whip It" (after we went to the roller derby, so it made more sense), and last week, "Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief".

This week we have other things out from Netflix, so I picked a movie from our library---"Mulan". It's a Disney cartoon and is one of my absolute favorites. A young girl who doesn't feel she fits in runs away and joins the Chinese army in her father's place after the Huns invade China. She eventually becomes a hero and saves the whole country. The best part is Eddie Murphy as Mushu, the guardian. He is HYSTERICAL!! We have most of his dialog memorized. Then there is Cricky, the lucky cricket who never talks but chirps and is just too cute. Who cares if I am 47 years old? I like cartoons! And spending the evening with Marcia (and the frozen margaritas) is a lot of fun. Our friends know not to call after 6 pm on Sunday unless it is an emergency and we rarely schedule anything else on a Sunday night. Date nights are a good thing.

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