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Thursday, September 2, 2010


I love books. That's probably not a surprise to most people. I learned to read very young and I remember spending my allowance on books (and a few comic books and "Tiger Beats" as well). Then I went to college as a history major--lots of books. Then grad school came along---a WHOLE LOT MORE books. What to do with all of these books? Many were kept at my parents' house in San Antonio until they moved. I went through and picked out my absolute favorites to bring with me and later had some shipped to me. Now Marcia wants to know what we are going to do with all of these books.

I don't believe in letting go of my favorite books. I read them over and over again. They stay on the shelves or somewhere else in the house (hence the problem with Marcia). I am discriminating when it comes to the books I like and the books I buy. They are so expensive nowdays that you just don't pick a couple up on a whim unless you are at the Friends of the Library book sale.

I just ordered a couple of books from Amazon---"Bad Boys of the Bible" for Bible study and "You: The Owner's Manual" by Dr. Oz. As I get older and more of me starts to fall apart or not work as well, I decided it was time to get better educated. The book was a lot cheaper than a health insurance payment.

Recent books I've read include a travel guide to Egypt and a book on 14th century England. I'm currently reading "The Dome" by Stephen King. I don't like many of his novels, but "The Stand" is an all time favorite of mine. This new one makes you think---what happens to a town when they are completely cut off from the outside world? The personalities and egos come out in full force with some tragic consequences. I did cheat and read the end, though I'm only a third of the way through the book. It's like a thousand pages long and even though I read fast it is going to take me a while to get through.


  1. I find myself wondering who was on the cover of the Tiger Beats which you bought? And did you put some of those full page color photos on your wall?

  2. My whole family are book hoarders and we read books on pretty much everything. I doubt we're missing many topics at the moment!

  3. Obviously being a children's literature professor, books have been important in my life as well. I, too, like all different kinds of books - thus teaching literature by genre was a good fit for me. My collection of books is pretty large, especially the international collection. As long as I have an office on campus I should be OK, Also need some more bookcases at home. It is sooooo hard to give books away.

  4. I'm a big fan of reading as well, but don't buy many books. Because I belong to a book group that can be a bit of a challenge. I usually am able to borrow our book selection, either from a fellow bg member or through the library. Unfortunately, early this summer I broke down and bought a book that I HATED. I was home sick for weeks and could not bring myself to read more than about 40 pages of it. URGH! What a waste of money....

    On the other hand, I just ordered the latest by one of my favorite authors, Nevada Barr. Can't wait to dig in!

  5. Yes Elaine I must confess I put Tiger Beat posters on my wall. I managed to put a few girls up there too, but tried not to be too obvious.

  6. Actually as I look back at it, some of the "hunky Tiger Beat guys" that I put on my wall could have passed for girls in a good sort of way. hmmmm?
