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Saturday, October 30, 2010


I'm not a big fan of Halloween. I just can't resist the candy. I don't like to pass out treats (pretzels this year) to the kids that ring the doorbell. It drives the dogs and cats crazy and Marcia isn't here this time to hand the treats out. She likes to see the little kids in their costumes.

When I was a kid I never really liked to dress up for Halloween either. We used to have to do it for school and have a parade around the playground. My mom was pretty creative in coming up with costumes, but I've never really liked to wear them.

Going trick or treat was okay, but we were only allowed to go to the homes of people we knew. Since we lived overseas (on base) when I was this age, that was pretty easy to do and mom and dad knew a LOT of people.

Going through the candy at the end of the night was interesting. Mom would get most of the ones with coconut (I never liked Almond Joy or Mounds) and she would steal a few of the Snickers. My brother and I would trade some of our candy with each other. Candy corn was (and still is) my favorite. I, of course, would eat my candy fairly quickly. My brother would parcel his out slowly and then when mine was gone he would bribe me with candy to play with him. I would take the candy and find a way to get out of playing as fast as possible. We were both bad.

Not my favorite time of the year, but always good memories. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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