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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nawiliwili, Kauai

A more relaxing day today as we had signed up for a relatively easy shore excursion--a train ride on an old sugar plantation.

There was a guide on the train, a very knowledgeable young man. He told us a little about the original plantation and how they are now trying to grow a variety of trees and plants, just to see how they do. A lot of native plants are now extinct or almost extinct and most of what you see was imported by various settler groups over the years. It was a pleasant and scenic ride. We stopped by the area where they had corraled some wild pigs (wild pigs are what are used for luaus). You could get off the train and feed them bread. They knew...

There were these two little piglets that were so cute---they did everything in unison. Even their tails moved in unison. Momma pig must have told them not to go near the feeding area or they would get trampled and they stayed just outside the area, but I did get a pic of them. We enjoyed watching them play.

When the ride was over, we hit the gift shop for a tshirt and some post cards and Marcia got her last kitty fix of the trip.

We had some time to wander through the manor house, which was built in the 1930's. It has been converted into shops and a restaurant which is apparently the "in" place to eat.

Back to the ship where we waited for a shuttle to Hilo Hattie's so we could do some shopping. There were shuttles (all free) for 3 shopping areas, as well as Kmart and WalMart. All were constantly packed with passengers and crew. Marcia got a big kick out the the WalMart and Kmart shuttles. Hilo Hattie made some money on us as we found outfits for Kyra and Zander and I found (finally) a Hawaiian shirt for me--a nice understated one. Then it was back to the ship.

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