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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Big Cat Sanctuary in Tampa

Okay, so I'm way behind on the blog. This is Marcia's birthday trip back in June. She wanted to go the the Big Cat Sanctuary in Tampa. We invited Linda and Elaine to go with us.

This sanctuary takes in the big cats that people have taken in as cubs and raised, thinking they were cute and cuddly, then they grew up. Or people were raising them for fur, or showing them on the side of the road for a few bucks, or whatever. They cannot be released back in to the wild and the sanctuary takes them in and provides them a safe environment to live out their lives. The tours given by the interns help pay for the food for the animals. They have all kinds of cats, from little ones to really, really big tigers. It's hot in the middle of June so a lot of them are camera shy, but I did get a few pics.

After a nice (hot) tour we headed to St. Petersburg where we had lunch at the Columbia, one of our favorite restaurants. Marcia had a great birthday!

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