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Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Quick Visit to the Folks

March 17 we headed out for a quick trip to Texas to visit the family. Stayed with Robert and Eddie on Thursday night and then we all headed to Stephenville on Friday. We stayed through Monday morning and had a nice visit. Got to visit with some relatives we hadn't seen in a while. My cousin Jimmy was not even in high school last time I saw him and he was there with his two kids, one of whom is in high school already. Unfortunately I didn't think to get the camera out then. When I did get it out, I could only take a few pictures before my camera battery died. My backup was also dead. Oh well, I did get some pics of the Dutchess of the Lucas household. She is almost 2 years old and has completely implanted herself in mom and dad's hearts and has them wrapped around her little paws.

This is her place when mom is doing a breathing treatment. The cart isn't big enough for her, but she makes do:

After we headed back on Monday, we stayed with Robert and Eddie again before leaving the next morning. Apparently all of that visiting and eating just wore everyone out:

It was nice to visit with everyone and mom and dad are doing great. Already planning a trip out there next March.

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