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Monday, February 28, 2011

Day Trip to Wakulla Springs

On Saturday, February 19, we went on a trip with Ann's Special Events. It was a day trip to Wakulla Springs, near Tallahassee. We left on the bus at 830am for the ride there. IPODs are wonderful things, just put on the ear buds and chill out.

We got to Wakulla Springs in time to visit the Lodge a bit before lunch. The lodge is from 1937 and has this wonderful, huge fireplace in the main area.

We had lunch on the terrace and then headed out for a boat ride.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day and we slowly made our way 1 1/2 miles up the river and then turned around. We saw lots of gators, turtles and all kinds of birds.

Obviously the scenery was spectacular. They filmed a couple of "Tarzan" movies here and parts of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon".

After our boat ride we got on the bus and drove a few miles and ended up here:
Lots of tanks to touch stuff, Marcia was in heaven. I got to hold a horseshoe crab, watch crabs being fed, watch a shark being fed, and I saw upside down jellyfish, a new one on me.

After that we came home the scenic way, arriving back at the mall at 7pm. We picked up a pizza on the way home and went home, pleasantly tired from a full day.

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