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Monday, February 28, 2011

Retirement Home for Horses

Just 15 or so miles up the road is a Retirement Home for Horses, founded by an English couple who have since deeded it as a conservation easement forever. It is over 200 acres of paddocks and fields housing horses of all shapes and sizes and ages and physical conditions. There are blind horses, retired circus and police horses, horses retired from living history farms, horses rescued from abusive situations and the like.

Visitors are allowed on Saturdays from 11-3 and we asked Linda and Elaine to join us on our visit this last weekend. It was an absolutely gorgeous day for a visit. First, however, we had to stop at Hitchcocks and stock up on apples and carrots. Marcia and I got 2 5-lb bag of carrots and 1 5-lb bag of apples. Linda and Elaine got one of each.

So off we went, along with a lot of other people who were all waiting on the gate to open at 11. Little kids poured out of the cars and vans all ready to see the horses. They are so funny--they have their carrots and run up to the horses, then when the horse reaches for the carrots, the kids drop them and run back to mommy. Poor horses!

We walked the entire way down and back, feeding as we went.

Some of the horses did not like apples and would spit them out. Everybody seemed to like the carrots though.

After almost two hours at the horse farm we got back in the truck and headed to High Springs for lunch at the diner. I shared my chocolate malt with Elaine and we both agreed that it hit the spot. A wonderful day spent with friends.

Day Trip to Wakulla Springs

On Saturday, February 19, we went on a trip with Ann's Special Events. It was a day trip to Wakulla Springs, near Tallahassee. We left on the bus at 830am for the ride there. IPODs are wonderful things, just put on the ear buds and chill out.

We got to Wakulla Springs in time to visit the Lodge a bit before lunch. The lodge is from 1937 and has this wonderful, huge fireplace in the main area.

We had lunch on the terrace and then headed out for a boat ride.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day and we slowly made our way 1 1/2 miles up the river and then turned around. We saw lots of gators, turtles and all kinds of birds.

Obviously the scenery was spectacular. They filmed a couple of "Tarzan" movies here and parts of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon".

After our boat ride we got on the bus and drove a few miles and ended up here:
Lots of tanks to touch stuff, Marcia was in heaven. I got to hold a horseshoe crab, watch crabs being fed, watch a shark being fed, and I saw upside down jellyfish, a new one on me.

After that we came home the scenic way, arriving back at the mall at 7pm. We picked up a pizza on the way home and went home, pleasantly tired from a full day.

Adventures in Babysitting

I always liked the movie "Adventures in Babysitting". Ah, Elisabeth Shue...yummy...sorry got distracted there for a few minutes. Anyway, I also LOVE babies as everyone who goes to our church knows. Once I get my hands on a baby, nobody gets him or her back. For the last year we have been blessed to have Kyra with us in church. I get her through the church service and we have so much fun. She's getting to that age, though, where she is going to be running around really soon and I'll have to share her because I can't keep up!

I've been able to babysit Kyra a couple of times in the last two weeks. The first time I had to go to the daycare and pick her up. What diabolical person designed baby car seats? There are so many straps and things that it looks like a torture device. Kyra doesn't much like it either. Anyway, a very nice lady who worked at the daycare came and put it in the car for me. She has four kids so she had a lot of practice but it still took her five minutes to get it strapped in. If she hadn't done it for me, Kyra and I would still be standing in the parking lot.

So I get her to the house, her first visit.

Isn't she cute? She really is a sweet little girl and very well behaved. She loved the kitties (she has two at home) but they had never seen a baby before. Grayson was the only one brave enough to come up to her (on the bed) and she grabbed a handful of fur on his head. That was enough. She is fascinated by the dogs. Tigger could care less, but Minnie follows her around and just makes this weird noise, like "what is this thing?" We have to keep her away from the dogs as they are old and cranky and we are afraid they might nip at her.

She also likes Marcia a lot. Marcia is a long time away from taking care of babies, but she does her best.
She makes funny faces and noises and Kyra just laughs and laughs. Marcia is fascinated at the way Kyra moves. She is learning to walk and can pull herself up on just about anything. Here she used the cat tree:
She also would grab Marcia's leg and pull herself up, "just like a kitten would" was Marcia's comment.

The house is not baby-proofed at all so a travelling crib/playpen is on the agenda for the house so I have a safe place to put her if I can't watch her every second and so she has a place to nap.

I'm looking forward to her growing up--I'll get to read her stories and teach her things and watch her develop into a beautiful and special little girl. Thanks, Bryant and Danielle, for sharing your sweetie with me!