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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas

I'm back from Egypt and had a wonderful time. When I get around to downloading my pics I'll post some of my favorites and write a short review. But now it's time to get ready for Christmas.

We got the yard scene out of the garage yesterday and set it up. Three pieces (manger scene) so that was easy. Brought out the Christmas tree that stays decorated and covered all year in the garage. The lights work, but it doesn't rotate any more. We've had it for eight or nine years, so I think we've gotten our money back.

We aren't doing much in the way of presents this year but are putting money toward the cruise instead. We are getting a few things and I got most of Marcia's stuff today, though I'm still looking for that Gator polo shirt she wants. Mom and dad will get stuff from Omaha Steaks (already ordered) and the boys will get a gift card to the Outback.

Now I have to start cooking. I need to make blueberry jam tomorrow and start the Christmas cookies. I have the list of stuff ready for the Christmas Open House, but I need to make a shopping list of ingredients. Then I need to get the ingredients for the dishes for the Christmas dinner at Linda and Elaine's.

Then we add in a Christmas play, at least two, maybe three choir performances, a movie or two out, a drive to see the lights, a trip to NFRMC to see the pond all lit up, a Christmas party at Curves, shopping with Armando, and a couple of basketball games. All of that is ON TOP of our normal crazy schedule.

I might complain a bit, but I do love the holidays. I just plan on sleeping when they are over.