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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A New Chapter

My friends will find it funny that I am finally doing something to join the 21st century, though I still refuse to own a cell phone.  I wanted to record my thoughts, experiences, opinions and daily life, but decided I was too lazy to keep a written journal or diary as people used to do.  This blog will be my substitute.

I am what some people call a "scanner". I read about it in a book a long time ago.  Don't remember the book, but the description fits me to a "T"---"Scanners want to taste everything.  The universe is a treasure house full of a million works of art, and life is hardly long enough to see them all."

I search for things that interest me, learn all I want to know about them, then move on to the next interest.  I will come back to those different interests at different times in my life.  Sometimes I will delve deeply, sometimes I will just skim the surface.  I'm interested in a great many subjects----history, travel, geography, art, music, astronomy, gardening, self-sufficiency, archaeology, sociology, and more---kind of like most of the liberal arts with a smattering of fine arts and science.  I guess I am just curious about the world around me and how people live in it now and how they lived in it in the past.

For me, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a goal unto itself.  Experiencing as many things as possible is my ultimate goal.  Life is to be lived, enjoyed, experienced, and felt, in all forms, both good and bad.  I never know where this "muse" will take me, so join me on my journey as I wander thru my life.